The Better Minds Shop

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read and learn -The Better Minds Shop Books page

A hand picked selection of informative, interesting & helpful books.
Read & learn about mental health, therapy, psychology, & neuroscience.
The perfect way to begin your journey of self discovery & recovery.

read and learn - cave men and polar bears

Cavemen & Polar Bears

A proven strategy for the effective management of your mood & mindset - you can learn to control your own mood & improve all aspects of your life.

read and learn - The body keeps the score

The Body Keeps The Score

Here one of the world's experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and drug therapies and towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body.

no bad parts read and learn the better minds project

No Bad Parts

The Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of therapy will help you challenge the destructive behaviour of these parts, turn the ego, the inner critic and the saboteur into powerful allies, and allow you to return to a more whole and harmonious 'Self'.

read and learn - The happiness trap

The Happiness Trap

Whether you're lacking confidence, facing illness, coping with loss, working in a high-stress job, or suffering from anxiety or depression, this book will show you how to build authentic happiness, from the inside out.


Did you know that exercise can transform your mind? This new scientific revolution will teach you how to boost brain cells, protect yourself against mental illness and dementia, and ensure success in exams and the workplace.

A User's Guide To The Brain

Dr John Ratey explains the brain's most important systems, the role they play in determining how we interact with the world and ways in which we can influence their operations for the better.

The Idiot Brain

Neuroscientist Dean Burnett celebrates the imperfections of the human brain in all their glory, and the impact of these quirks on our daily lives.

The Happy Brain

What does it actually mean to be happy? Forget searching for the secret of happiness through lifestyle fads or cod philosophy, this book reveals the often surprising truth behind what make us tick.

read and learn

The Better Minds Project